We all manage risks in our daily lives. Decisions we make have consequences and we work to mitigate those risks with the best intelligence, research, and analysis out our disposal. However, determining what assumptions to make, weighing the positives and negatives of any action or outcome, and reacting to these factors accordingly are difficult endeavours. Bloodstone’s tailored Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) modelling approach works to make such determinations simple to identify and understand, and to implement subsequent change to mitigate identified risks and enhance positive outcomes.
Improving organizational capacity, skill, organization, and performance requires investment in expertise. Bloodstone takes a straightforward approach to enhancing your client objectives by utilizing a tailored approach to solving organization-specific challenges and identifying unique opportunities.
Identifying, responding, adapting, and learning from experience is vital for the long-term success of any organization. Behind such success there must be strong governance policies and procedures, as well as other management tools and resources set in place to mobilize organizational resources and capital to maximum effect.
Our services support the development of such governance and management approaches with the following services, including
Enterprise Risk Management Modelling and Mitigation
Governance and Corporate policy and procedure development
Board and Committee Development and Training
Business and Competitive Intelligence
Political Forecasting and Geopolitical Risk Assessment
Public Policy Analysis
Project Management and Process mapping
In-depth and Issue-Specific Quantitative and Qualitative Research, Analysis and Reporting
Market Research, Survey Design and Data Analysis and Interpretation
Strategic Planning and Facilitation
Program Development and Operations Management
Business Continuity Planning
Grant and Proposal Writing
Evaluation, Capacity Analysis, Needs Assessment and Organizational Audits
Policy and Program Monitoring and Reporting
To make the best decisions possible for your organization, whether big or small, you need the best available information to set yourself apart from your competition.
Our expert approach to competitive intelligence, research, analysis and reporting provides you with the intelligence necessary to lead your organization towards continued success in its field.
Each business, organization, or firm has unique challenges and informational gaps that limit their ability to operate, grow, or react to changing environments and circumstances in the field. With over 20 years of experience in multisector research and analysis, our expertise help you address these challenges and arm you with the knowledge necessary to overcome obstacles to your objectives. Using the latest techniques in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and Data Analysis, we work to compile, distill, and generate critical strategic information on competitive industries and sectors, organizations, and beyond.
Our broad range of intelligence techniques and tools can be applied in myriad ways, including but not limited to social media monitoring and analysis, contact information gathering, competitive advantage analysis, geographic, political, social, and economic intelligence, and political forecasting, among other relevant criteria, indicators, and approaches to garner relevant strategic and tactical information to facilitate client objectives.
Our methodological approach to research and analysis involves utilizing a proven, objective, and adaptable mixed-methods approach, applying both quantitative and qualitative analysis to examining problems, and offering tangible and practical solutions to pressing challenges that impact our clients. Such approaches include, but are not limited to:
Open Source Intelligence Gathering (OSINT)
Survey Research
Focus Groups
In-depth Interviews
Data Analysis
Reporting, Monitoring and Evaluation
Strategic Planning and Advice
We employ specifically tailored and objective-appropriate analytical tools collaboratively with our clients, so that they understand what we are doing to serve their short, medium, and long-term objectives and priorities. Our commitment to transparency and garnering consistent input and buy-in from our clients sets us apart.
We have extensive experience across a wide variety of sectors, including all levels of government, the private and public sector, academia, and beyond which we bring to the table for our clients, providing in-depth analysis and intelligence to maximize results.
Evaluation involves determining the value, merit, significance, or worth of a given objective, program, or endeavour. We all evaluate things on a daily basis to one extent or another, but without the right tools and expertise, what we consider to be “evaluations” are more often than not subjective estimates, or erroneous assumptions about the things we believe we are evaluating.
Program and policy evaluation aids in determining whether a given program or policy, including the resources, tools, and time associated with them, and their overall efficacy are appropriate for the intended outcome. Determining appropriateness makes it clear whether or an organization should invest further in such programs and policies, and to what degree, if at all. In short, evaluation makes it clear whether or not something is worth the effort, and also why it is or is not. Answering the “why” is all too often left out of the analysis. We make sure it is placed front and centre.
Bloodstone utilizes a variety of evaluative methodologies specific to client-specific demands and requirements. As such, we centre our approach to evaluation on a utilization-focused evaluation model, in which the primary intended user—the client—determines what they constitute to be useful information that benefits their decision-making needs.
As part of all evaluation planning, we conduct evaluability assessments to determine the type of evaluation to use, and whether or not a given program or policy is ready to be evaluated in a meaningful manner. Depending on the results of the evaluation, a set of recommendations is developed in consultation and partnership with clients to maximize desired outcomes and remove barriers to success.
Depending on the given program or policy, our evaluative toolbox includes, but is not limited to:
Formative Evaluations (also known as “Process Evaluations”) whereby processes within an existing program, policy or initiative’s trajectory are examined to assess how well the processes are adhered to, and to what degree success or failure can be attributed to this adherence, or in the design of a program, policy or initiative itself.
Summative Evaluations (also known as “Outcome Evaluations”) whereby the results of a given program, policy, or initiative are measured against their respective intent, and to what degree the success or failure of that program, policy, or initiative is worth continued investment, enhancement, or if it should be discarded.
Efficiency and Cost Effectiveness Analysis whereby a program is reviewed in terms of its overall processes and milestones for the specific purpose of reaching a particular budgeted cost reduction, and to generate a value-based model of a given program, policy, or initiative that better allocates resources to meet organizational objectives.
We take the guesswork out of evaluation by regularly monitoring and reporting on policies, programs and initiatives, and keeping track of what works and what does not, and making the client aware of the opportunities and challenges that their selected approach is garnering.